I'm not privy to all the drama, but it seems that lopp wasn't being listened to and decided to take drastic measures. I'm not completely against what he did. And it doesn't seem like such a big drama, does it? I'm not ironizing, I may not know something important.
It is a drama. And is quite big. Many apps devs are relying on testnet to find bugs, reproduce them etc. if they aren't able to use this network, all the apps development is stuck.
This is not like me screaming out loud on SN to people to listen to my warnings and then post even more. Stackers can mute me, but still will not be warned and later will regret it.
This bullshit attack is useless anyways and prove nothing.
I see your point. There were constraints on bitdevs, maybe now something will be done to solve the problems he pointed out. Anarchy is like that ...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @om 30 Apr
Testnet even has a disclaimer that it doesn't guarantee network normalcy. Tests should be on signet for that reason.