pull down to refresh

Ah, I think I figured out the confusion. You saw the "25 cents pays for 8-10 queries" and thought that applied to Meta Llama 3. The 8-10 is in reference to GPT4 Turbo. You will get like over 100 queries with Meta Llama 3.
Yea we need to do better explaining these things to people.
Ok, then it makes a lot more sense. I did select llama3 from the dropdown and still got $0.25. If it's different then that should be reflected in the UI.
If you select Llama from the dropdown and run some queries, you will see in the "Account Activity" section the actual price you paid. Should be 1-3 sats usually. The 25 cents is just a one time deposit to buy a bunch of credits. After that payment you are then drawing down upon that 25 cents over time. You can set it to 5 cents too if you want and that should still buy you quite a few Llama queries.
I understand your flow now. You came to website and changed from the default model of gpt4 turbo to llama before you submitted your first query. Then the payment modal came up with the 8-10 queries sentence which seemed expensive to you.
We will definitely be revamping the initial payment modal because it is very confusing to a lot of people.
Thanks for working through this with me.