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I would argue that we are all to an extent all of the above. But it’s very nuanced and so tricky to categorise.
To get better insights you may need a lengthier survey to group respondents into these categories. Questions may be easier to answer that way, without the context. But I know SN doesn’t yet facilitate 30-question surveys 😄
E.g: am I willing to delay a purchase:
  • for myself for 4 years
  • for my family for 4 years
  • for my business for 4 years
  • for my neighbourhood for years
  • none of the above
E.g: am I willing to spend half a day a week to educate/help
  • improve my own knowledge
  • improve the knowledge of my family
  • improve the knowledge of colleagues/employees
  • improve the knowledge in my local community
  • none of the above
Brilliant insight - i tried to create a minimum viable assessment as best i could
Makes sense. If I had to pigeon hole myself though, I’d probably say I’m still wedged between Individual & Small Social Unit.
And we definitely shift around these depending on context and stage of life