He would have been better off, of course. I think, though, that this is part of the "then they fight you" phase. I doubt they even know the difference between bitcoin and bitcoin cash. And even if they do, the normies exposed to this fud don't.
No way all these things are happening at the same time by coincidence.
  • Samurai guys
  • Roger Ver
  • CZ
Here's the thing. There are plenty of people in this world that are wrong. They may have wrong opinions. They may be responsible for doing bad things. That doesn't change the fact that the US government is wrong in how it handles human beings. None of these people deserve to be in a cage or even be threaten with that. That's my opinion and hope many share it. Ver was/is wrong about bitcoin and did a lot of shady stuff from what I hear. Same goes for CZ. What the US government is doing to all of these guys is meant to incite fear in the weak and strong alike. They want to steal more money from more people. These guys are targets. We are firmly in the fight you stage now.