Flee the country / "lose" my bitcoin (aka, hodl, probably via multisig, until I'm safe) is the clear answer here.
Because the government simply can't afford to crack down on bitcoin like this and stay in power. See my post here: #484114
TL;DR - the US government criminalizing bitcoin would instantly weaken the country and strengthen every other country that decides to capitalize on the moment. It would be the end of its global dominance.
So It's just a matter of getting tf out.
PS - In no way is monero a scalable solution in this scenario, or any scenario. Increasing "security" is decreasing usability and scalability, which is why monero can't work as global layer 1.
this territory is moderated
Bitcoin and Lightning aren't scalable either
At least Monero can actually upgrade to more efficient tech like ~80% reduction in transaction size that happened moving to bulletproofs
They're increasingly making it hard to renounce and leave the country. They want to collect your income, wherever the F*k you live.