Drew down and crafted a bit of my " bank" setup yesterday, and now the flow is about earning - caching & spending - saving. I used to work in finance, and the mindset during that time was earning - spending & investing ( investment is also a form of spending) because you know that if you don't do anything, your money will lose value, so people either need to figure this out themselves or pay someone else to do that on top of earning money, now with all the inflation and bank account frozen, it must HARD to actually sit down and THINK for yourself when you are constantly worrying.
And it seems people always want more and more in the fiat world like it's NEVER enough, but your time in this world is limited - why waste it to chase unlimited money that others can print out of thin air?
But with Bitcoin, all you need to do is well keep the seeds, not only can you sleep like a baby ( no one can take Bitcoin away from you ) , but also you can focus all your time and energy on learning and creating, and doing something actually meaningful with your precious time.
I love being in a world where most of my time is focused on learning and creating! There is no better feeling is there?
why waste it to chase unlimited money that others can print out of thin air?
This is a good question! Usually, people think their time is unlimited.