1100 sats \ 3 replies \ @2032 2 May
Is the coordinator code open source?
653 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 2 May
Yes. And you can easily connect to alternative coordinators. For example, @Kruwed on twitter runs one. You just need to add this line to your ~/.walletwasabi/client/Config.json file to use it:
"MainNetCoordinatorUri": "https://btcpay.kruw.io/plugins/wabisabi-coordinator/",
11k sats \ 1 reply \ @kruw 2 May
Thanks anon.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 2 May
Thank you for running it! I saw your tweet replying to @petertodd
I am really happy for this!
As I said many times: LN is the best coinjoin. If you do not know how to use LN for that, read my guides, that means you still do not know how LN works and how you can take advantage of it.
Hint: through a single LN channel, you can pass through infinite of sats. If you cannot realize what that means, you still don't know shit about LN. Last year I laundered 100m sats through LN and more than 20M sats through SN.
110 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 2 May
As I said many times: LN is the best coinjoin.
Real coinjoin has the important property that it makes it obvious your coins are coinjoined, and you shouldn't try to figure out where they came from. That normalizes privacy, which is good for all of us.
Laundering means you moved those funds to a bank as legitimate proceeds. But why?
what bank? Are you insane? Who in the right mind still use a fiat bank nowadays?
Why be rude? I just quoted the definition if money laundering. What you probably did was changing KYC coins into non-KYC.
It wasn’t funny
changing KYC coins into non-KYC.
There's no such thing as "KYC coins". If that will exist, then Bitcoin will stop to exist. Is useless.
Are you living under the rock? Did you not hear of the Travel Rule? Yes, the feds are trying to trace all coins, and more and more regulated entities comply worldwide. Yes, it is the greatest threat to Bitcoin right now. Even Amboss has joind the dark side and offers to certify compliant nodes. This will split LN in two domains: KYC and non-KYC nodes with no channels between them.
trace my ass if you can. You have no idea what are you talking about.
I enjoyed your articles 2.5 years ago when starting with lightning. I wish I never joined SN to discover what a rude narcissistic person you really are. Underestimating your enemy is a sure way to failure.
Money laundering is a process through which individuals or organizations attempt to conceal the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by transferring it through a complex sequence of banking transactions or commercial activities. It is done to make the money appear as if it was derived from a legitimate source.
Bitcoin is not money if is not dark money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=va1pnsCnqHI
111 sats \ 4 replies \ @anon 2 May
It's harmful to all of us to spread the myth that Bitcoin is inherently money laundering.
The point is money laundering is to take money from an illegitimate source and make it look like it come from something legitimate. Bitcoin does not do that any more than taking cash out of an ATM would. Cash is just cash, with no source information at all. Lightning Bitcoin is just Lightning Bitcoin, with no source information at all.
"money laundering" is just a bullshit term invented by dumb ass govs.
Thank you Office Space
Why be rude?
it's just how he is.
What you probably did was changing KYC coins into non-KYC
this is the purpose of the coinjoin
110 sats \ 9 replies \ @anon 2 May
this is the purpose of the coinjoin
Coinjoin isn't just about KYC. All coins have privacy concerns associated with them. I don't want people I pay onchain to know how much money I have in my wallet regardless of KYC. Without coinjoin they can figure that out pretty well.
Would you want your landlord to know how much money is in your bank account every time you pay rent? Of course not. Thats why banks are required to keep all kinds of financial data private. Bitcoin wallets need to provide the same protections.
Always use the 3 levels stash. Think like a bank. LN is the payment network. Onchain is only the settlement, the cold storage.
I will send you 5000 sats over LN. Please find out the original UTXO, and how much other sats I have.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @anon 2 May
Dude, I don't want my LSP to know how many coins I have either. LN is good. But coinjoin serves an important role too and all on-chain wallets should be including it.
You forgot to add L-BTC in the mix. Liquid swaps into Lightning are much cheaper and can be done trustless peer-to-peer with confidential on-chain transactions.
No, you still need onchain privacy for opening LN channels. Also, you will not make million dollar deals with LN currently.
SN = Stacker News?
60 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 3 May
Join market remains
So I guess Trezor will disable its coinjoin functionality, too? Or?
31 sats \ 4 replies \ @sime 2 May
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 2 May
Sad. The code is all open-source so you can continue to run it with alternative coordinators. Trezor shouldn't remove it.
Sad, indeed!
It makes sense, because it would be cumbersome to type in the URL for an alternate coordinator on a Trezor, and also because of the fact that there aren't a lot of WabiSabi coordinators running. There is just like one which I found in this thread and that's it. No good for censorship resistance.
Thanks 🙏
Next time let's build a privacy protocol that doesn't collect fees to an organized entity and let's make it a locally downloadable file, ok? And then let's do a satoshi disappearance, ok?
Or you can just use joinmarket with the Jam frontend since you know, it already exists.
Yes. That was just a tip for future entrepreneurs.
(We posted the same thing at about the same time lol)
This is surrender and it's sad.
how depressing