pull down to refresh

Will need to watch this. Keep hearing about obsidian and markdown from @cryotosensei.
this territory is moderated
It’s pretty amazing and I’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg.
I’ve spent the last hour organizing my notes into folders and verifying my backups.
And I’ve recently heard about an obsidian Nostr extension.
I have to figure out this nostr thing. I looked at it the other day and wasnt so impressed. Maybe I will take a look at it again.
Primal and Damus probably have the slickest experience, zap.stream and Nostr Nests are have great live experiences. Unleashed.chat is an AI service with cool nostr integrations, created by the same guy who made the ColdCard.
Wavlake for music, Fountain for podcasts, Highlighter for articles. If you have a Start9 you can self host Nostrudel (the most feature rich nostr client in the space) and run your own relay.
Hustle's main takeaway is, Nostr is developing faster than Bitcoin, and its important to have a public private key pair for your online identity. TheWildHustle is always willing to help. Feel free to shoot an email to TheWildHustle@proton.me ,freak.
I told him about it, and now y'all are excited! That's great! You can also download publish to Nostr plugin by James. If you really it, zap him. I pitched to him a draft function, within a day he implemented it. The only thing I got beef with Obsidian is it's not Open Source, but it's private.