What is the overall purpose?
From the first sentence of the whitepaper: "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one peer to another without going through a financial institution"
What happens when all Bitcoin has been mined?
The block subsidy goes to zero. A diffusion process begins. Whales begin to die. Shrimp begin to grow.
How is it going to help society as a whole rather than just the few?
When honesty is optional, trust is a vulnerability. An open predictable monetary policy allows one to make informed decisions about their wealth. Having a true store of value will allow one to prepare for the future.
What happens if the economy crashes?
Big banks get bailed out. Inflation. Unemployment. Bitcoin is seen as a risky asset so potentially NGD.
Thank you! My next question that many would ask:
  • What happens if the systems go down?
I am playing devils advocate here so I can get a really clear view, not because I disagree :)
What happens if the systems go down?
Bitcoin is a fault tolerant distributed network. There are thousands of nodes around the world. They can join and leave the network at will. It would take a world wide cataclysmic event to bring down every one of these nodes in a way that they cannot be brought back online. My guess is we'll have bigger problems to worry about if that happens.
Here's a game to visualize the concept. https://bitcoin-battleship.vercel.app/ h/t @jasonb
Thank you for this! I love games so when I get some time I will be happily clicking this link!