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I have also asked myself these questions!
What if we really are in a "Truman Show" scenario?
After a few years of trying to figure this out I came to the conclusion that we have actually created our own version of the truman show, or the matrix. Most of us are completely unaware and oblivious to the fact that we are fed what we believe and we don't truly open our eyes to 'reality'. And, when we get close, fear is used as a way to keep us from asking questions and seeing life from our own perspectives.
Now... could it be that there is no higher power and that in fact the higher power is just us? That time is just (like money) a man made concept and in fact the past, present and future are all there at the same time? The gods/aliens etc that have been seen in the sky that we then worship, are just our future selves.
I am not very good at explaining this online - its much easier when my words flow freely through spoken conversation so if this makes no sense then please ask questions!
Most people think I am crazy when I say that time is a concept and that all is happening at the same time, that the only 'real' moment is the one that we are in right now.
A great film to illustrate this is "Interstellar"
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