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I agree but bitcoin has so much friction
  1. The tax issue
  2. Volatility
  3. Ease of use
I think these three things keep most people out and away from bitcoin.
For instance I had a person download breeze so I can send them sats for different things then one day I go to make an LN payment and it constantly fails then I look like the fool.
Things have to get so easy that people don’t have to think and sats travel easily and don’t go down in value.
agree and speaking about self custody, there is also the issue of security. being hacked or being assaulted.
And so store-of-value remains the primary use case for westerners with access to banking services. We are a long way from medium-of-exchange because of these issues, but mainly because of lack of need. What is needed right now is a way to store value that can't be debased.
As it becomes adopted as of a SoV, its market cap will grow, making it easier to send larger monetary value, and making it more liquid and less volatile, which will help the MoE and UoA use cases.
Yeah if bitcoin didn’t have these huge pullbacks in dollar units then it would have been adopted by the masses