pull down to refresh

You can check the integrity of your SCB file for your node with the following command below* And yes, it triggers a signal to your peers (who are currently online) to FC your channel, which in the standard setup transfers the channel sats from your side to your LND onchain wallet. Which you will be able to access with your 24 words.
Always note that this should be something like a last resort, cause it's incurring costs for everyone. Better to mitigate risk by having good hardware, a UPS, and not mess with your production system if avoidable.
https://node-recovery.com/ is a bookmark worthy ressource, too.
*Test and verify chan-backup file
lncli verifychanbackup -h
   lncli verifychanbackup - Verify an existing channel backup.

   lncli verifychanbackup [command options] [--single_backup] [--multi_backup] [--multi_file]


    This command allows a user to verify an existing Single or Multi channel
    backup for integrity. This is useful when a user has a backup, but is
    unsure as to if it's valid or for the target node.

    The command will accept backups in one of four forms:

       * A single channel packed SCB, which can be obtained from
   exportchanbackup. This should be passed in hex encoded format.

       * A packed multi-channel SCB, which couples several individual
   static channel backups in single blob.
       * A file path which points to a packed single-channel backup within a
         file, using the same format that lnd does in its channel.backup file.

       * A file path which points to a packed multi-channel backup within a
   file, using the same format that lnd does in its channel.backup

   --single_backup value  a hex encoded single channel backup obtained from exportchanbackup
   --multi_backup value   a hex encoded multi-channel backup obtained from exportchanbackup
   --single_file value    the path to a single-channel backup file
   --multi_file value     the path to a multi-channel back up file