if you want to send me btc, you can just click like mad on that lightning mark. lol What does Nostr do exactly? I hear people keep talking about it.
When you set up a Nostr, send me your npub :) Welcome to the best social network protocol.
BTW don't be confused with nsec - this is your private key
okay, I will :)
Nostr is alot like this
riding an ostrich and the guy chasing after literally captures the developer's panic
haha I will look into it. funny video :)
..I wrote an article about Identity by Encryption on Yakihonne.com. here's link It's me as a hamster exploring the Nostr ecosystem. You might find it interesting, you might not. you can sign up for nostr with nothing basically. No need email
I think I made something npub1k3fme7xxwde0wccxx7j79vytnj8l3mhf4gjpf90juga0elg5el9qw6tat7