Not from a roster point of view, trades etc ;) but y'all can say what you want to each other 😜.
Obviously we want fun so there's going to be a fair bit of banter, but I ensure new guys aren't getting ripped off in places, otherwise it just saps the fun out of it.
Don't forget to actually join the sleeper league.
There's the link. And if the app isn't available on your device, I'm pretty sure the browser version works fine. (There's a term for it and I don't remember it, is it PWA?? )
Thanks for that. I'm excited. Of course, I make 7. Do you need an even number of players?
Ideally 8 would be perfect. But I think I can find one more. @BTC_Bellzer expressed an interest a while back, perhaps they're still interested.
If not I think I can find 1 more, I'd like to keep it to SN users, but if that's no good, then I can find a fill in until an SN user wants to adopt. Or until we orange pill the other guy 😜
I can probably keep a team up and running for an entire season at least as well as the Jets can...
Probably better tbh 😜
Heres the invite link
Now we just need to remind @siggy47 to join on sleeper.