i was talking to my middle son this morning about something semi-related to this.He was complaining because he is struggling at school as per! Not with his education but with communicating in an acceptable manner. We are a very neurodivergent family and therefore our brains work in weird and wonderful ways. He was saying that he 'can't' communicate with others. Ha, well, I corrected him as he is more than capable of communicating and I went on to explain what he can do to help and how actually having a brain like his, is actually a super-power! Oops... I digressed! Part of my explanation was explaining that people - no matter if they have no money and are homeless on the street, or billionaires who appear to have everything are any different from each other. We are all connected and no matter the cup that we drink from, we are able to talk to each other on the same level. Money and things are immaterial. What is actually important is how you connect with someone in the moment. We are all the same and yet all so very different! Life is an illusion, and we play it whether we are aware of that or not!