Needlessly Pedantic Man (one of my alter egos) wants to poke holes in this. However, in the spirit of your post, I'll lean into my more charitable feelings and focus on how I agree with the overarching point you're making.
When people get caught up in "I wish I had _____", "I'm jealous of ________", "If only _____ had happened", etc., I usually respond (if only to myself) "I'm incredibly fortunate. I'd rather have my family than someone else's, regardless of what else is involved in that trade."
If you want to argue that I should think of my life as Utopia, I don't have any real grounds to argue back. Most people in human history would probably agree with you, too.
Mindset is a very powerful thing. I hope people internalize your message.
Thank you for your comment! I am kind of intrigued as to what Needlessly Pedantic Man has to say?
His ears started perking up with "Consider this: every moment, we are actively participating in the creation of our reality."
While certainly true, it only implies that we can steer our reality in a more positive direction, if we take the right actions. However, reality is complex, so it's not going to be obvious what those actions are. It's also not always going to be the case that you can steer your reality to a place that isn't horrible.
Now, your title is a question and the "we" in it is a bit ambiguous. If you're just talking about you and I, then I can say that the points you made resonate with my current situation. So, maybe we (the two of us plus whoever else feels similarly) do already live in Utopia.
I understand where (now shortened to) NPM is coming from..
We absolutely can steer our realities in any direction that we want, by following our intuition and choosing wisely. I don't believe in right or wrong decisions as whatever we are choosing will help us grow. You could steer yourself into horrible situations, I have done many times. However, I have always learnt from them and they have fared me well in the end.
I would agree with the point about "we". I would say that everyone has a choice of what to believe and I am certainly not going to push anyone or say that I am "right". From my point of view though... I love to see the world from a loving, kind, beautiful perspective :)