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By Andreas Granath
Real anarchy is simply people voluntarily organizing their time and activities without being coerced by state authorities.
anarchy means without ruler. In a microperspective, it is a social relationship between two individuals without violence or the threat of it.
Thanks, this is what we only find on SN. The term anarchy is shown as positive one. This is definitely how we must try to look at everything.
The vast majority of our lives (and generally the best parts) operate under anarchy. It's too bad people are so scared of allowing more of it.
Thanks! This is true. People get scared to good things as well.
People are afraid of anarchy because that they have brainwashed since infancy into believing that it means disruptive chaos, violence and absence of rules. But more people are naturally drawn to anarchy that we actually believe ( as Graeber eloquently explained in this article https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-are-you-an-anarchist-the-answer-may-surprise-you ). Absence of rulers doesn't mean absence of rules.
I don't think a state can survive very long if it doesn't make people believe that they need it. I'm not sure if that belief is more due to effective propaganda or just people developing Stockholm Syndrome.
True. And thinking for themselves and not being led on. The society now days needs direction, so little self starters.
I see causality running the other direction. The state has crowded out private decision making and the result is fewer self-starters.
I dont know if they have crowded them out, or just eliminated them. Or taken away the education to make your own decisions. Have you seen the type of math they are teaching kids nowdays?
My dad and I were both math teachers, so I'm quite well acquainted with it.
Its baffling, I thought the old way was quite simple and logical. They make you add and subtract, divide and conquer everything on both sides. Usually you move things once and figure it out. I feel all the extra steps can introduce more error.