Video link:
Lots of stuff that's missed in here. For example, the idea that interest rates need to go down wasn't challenged. If you've followed my posts on the housing situation before, you know in a lot of places its illegal to build a condo in a place where housing is sky high. They call this "Zoning" and the people who lobby their government to implement such rules are known as "NIMBY"s. Which stands for "Not in my back yard" Not what in my back yard? Well apparently, multi-family housing will cause the NIMBY's single family home's property value to go down.
That's just the biggest flaw I wanted to point out, obviously a lot more wrong with it, but it gives you an idea of what the average person thinks about these things.
This should be termed as 'Over-printing Crisis'. Isn't it hillarious When you ask a person who doesn't have credit card, he will reply that he dearly needs one. This is called that self-killing with the best tool.
Asmongold is a bit out of reality, though. He is a gamer that only eats steak and potatoes lol The government is allowing the housing crisis to happen.
Yeah that's all under "problems with the video" that I didn't address lol. However, he does have to react to his chat who is probably getting grounded (at least in terms of understanding the struggle, not understanding the solutions)
haha I dont know how much chat understands. I watched some of his videos, have you seen his HOUSE!?!?! I do find some of his material interesting, when I have freetime I sometimes put him on in the background.
Really very funny, yet it passes great knowledge. Thanks.