Been thinking about selling my house lately! But it’s tough to let it go. It’s like i finally achieved the American dream!
heh, i've been debating the opposite. buying a house is the "done" thing for people my age. but the opportunity cost of deploying capital for the deposit, which could otherwise reside in bitcoin, is very real.
rent vs. buy is a very interesting debate when viewed from the bitcoin lens.
(personally i am firmly on the side of rent, but like to challenge this every now and then)
Could be a good decision timing-wise. If the market is still liquid. I've been trying to sell a decent car in Australia for a few weeks and have had literally 0 people interested. But in general, really depends on your life plans/situation. If you like to travel around and not be tied down to one specific place, go for it. If you have a wife+children and maybe a job or business that you run in the area, it's certainly a bit different...