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I just finished all of the bitcoin rewards for Top Troops and it was quite fun.
It's an RPG army building game. You train troops, compose your army, and take them on campaigns.
I got the rewards (almost 12k sats) through sMiles, but I saw that they're also available through Lolli.
Nice. I got to level 17 on that game but ran out of time to completed (30 days on zbd I believe).
That was one of the more fun games you can get through these sats rewards platforms.
It's been my favorite so far. I don't think sMiles or Lolli have time limits on the rewards.
Most of the ones on zbd you have to complete within the first 30 days. I am playing a game called Hexa Stack right now. About 2/3 of the way through the sats rewards.
I've been working my way through Family Island for a long time: 3 more levels to go.
It's not bad, by any means, but after the first twenty levels my progress really slowed down.
Yes, that is one of the best ones. Progress can be slow after awhile but it is a fun game.
Which app do you like better?
I prefer sMiles, because I use the step-counter and I prefer Fold over Lolli for card rewards anyway.
Sometimes, I don't see the same set of game options though, so I check both apps to see what looks best.