I think we want to get the flywheel started with new users and not exclude them from rewards but I like the idea. Maybe a new user can get rewards for the first few days without being a cowboy but then they need to step up their game in order to be eligible for continued rewards.
It is similar to the way shakepay works with their rewards. If I refer someone they can get 42 sats anytime I or anyone else in our shake squad uses a shakepay visa debit card but there are certain usage thresholds they need to meet to keep getting rewards.
That's a good point. They aren't likely to make the top 100 without a cowboy hat either, though.
16 out of the current top 100 are currently hatless. Not sure about any of the hiding stackers but I doubt it so let's go with 15% of reward earners are non cowboys. I don't know what percentage of those would be newer users vs limited users vs cheapskates.
Maybe it should be that once you've found a cowboy hat, you only get rewards while wearing one. That way new users don't get punished for not having figured it out yet.
Nice. Good idea.