Not sure that being without a hat should be considered “low engagement”. People dip in and out of products all the time. We should be using the carrot not the stick.
Having rewards favour people with cowboy hats is maintaining the status quo. 80% of people up there already do.
We have to attract people who aren’t posting every day. I’m not saying for every day, but some days may help. Someone who gets an extra 9k sats for having a big day is way more likely to come back and aim to do the same again tomorrow. Rather than seeing an extra 900 sats, given the cowboys above them.
Would love to see people thinking how to grow this community, rather than serving our own interests. We can make this the biggest onramp to bitcoin, if we think more about encouraging new users to form healthy habits. And encourage more long-form content. That’s always been my wish. Otherwise we’re over-gamifying the experience.
I really like this point. " We can make this the biggest onramp to bitcoin, if we think more about encouraging new users to form healthy "
I say low-engagement, because not having a hat specifically means you didn't zap people a meaningful amount that day. Since, zapping content creators is what drives SN, it strikes me as an odd choice.
Would love to see people thinking how to grow this community, rather than serving our own interests. We can make this the biggest onramp to bitcoin, if we think more about encouraging new users to form healthy habits.
We're completely aligned on this point.