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Registering anything means it is not yours anymore, and usually you are left with nothing more than the user rights, often requiring “permission” to use in the form of a “licence”.
Note: The word register comes from the Latin word “Regis” meaning “of the king” and the suffix “ter” means “to perform the action”; ergo handing over to the king.
The property rights is now owned, in trust, by the corporation the item or child was registered with. Therefore you are the “holder” or “keeper” and not the “owner”.
Note: The words “Parent” and “child” are legal titles, with the word “child” or “children” meaning chattel owned by the state.
The parents or mother and father are no longer the “legal” parents, but have become nothing more than just “custodians” of a child owned by the state.
This is why “social services”, “public schools” and “hospitals” can now claim ownership over the child, often fining the parents, seizing the child, or even imprisoning the parents.
“child” or “children” meaning chattel owned by the state
now think about children's day 😂
Welcome back! It's great to have you here again.
In my country schools are running like a custodian. But when a child fails in an exam or doea nor perform well, they don't take full responsibility. I'm a non believer in schools and for sure I won't send my kids there. Instead, I would teach them myself and tell them to excell on their talents.
Register here, register there. I'm fed up of this registration thing. I seriously don't see any use case for registering.
Thanks for holding similar views.