Jimmy Song at it again. Not everything should be linked to Bitcoin. This is, at best, an entertaining read. Fiction. You cannot reduce the complexity of marriage to a simple concept of low vs high time-preference. And if he were to look a bit in other current day societies other than the US, his whole premise falls down. Take Korea for instance. Until a few years back, no fault divorce did not exist. Adultery had to be proven to get a divorce. Leading to a majority of miserable relationships in the generation before mine. Maybe, just maybe, no fault divorce would have saved a lot of children from a miserable childhood amongst miserable parents.
I prefer much more his technical material.
Maybe I'm biased as my ideological views often don't align with his. Maybe you'll like it. My rant should motivate you to read the article. Well done Jimmy, well done :) Engagement, achieved.
Came here to say something similar. Bitcoin doesn't actually fix everything, and it won't bring about utopia.
No, but it should starve that inferno down the block of oxygen, and with that reduced amount of stress, we'll be able to focus on other areas of our lives to improve. It's an amoral tool, but part of its utility is how it can expose the consequences of high time preference thinking. If you could embody the benefits of low time preference behavior into a single tool, wouldn't that be Bitcoin and wouldn't it be expected to relate important aspects of life to it?
On a marginal macro level, I think there's truth to that. But on an individual level, there's no guarantee that anyone will use the time to focus on the right things. Like, my wife and I focus on personal responsibility and managing money with the right values. A bitcoin standard might make some of that easier, but it doesn't fix our communication problems, or prevent hard financial times from coming or impacting our relationship.
Ironically, rushing into a marriage with an incompatible partner because it’s what a person with an identity of a “low time preference Bitcoiner” would do, is actually high time preference activity.
Probably ending up with kids from a divorced broken home.