Release the hounds
The NFL juggernaut is the mastermind of always having something going on to maintain relevance even when nothing has been going on for months and nothing will continue to be going on for months to come. It's a true art and they are great at it. Today is not different, as it is schedule release day. Of course we can't just have schedule release day we had to have a couple weeks of hype and suggestive leaks about international games, holiday games, prime time games.
One thing I know for sure is no one is going to be completely happy with their schedule. Ok maybe the Chiefs will. They always seem to get preferential treatment schedule wise. As if they need it.
The 49ers schedule is going to be brutal this year and I am bracing myself for an 11-6 season and a wildcard round playoff appearance even though they are still likely the best team in the NFC. Super Bowl loss let down, a difficult schedule and probably less injury luck than last year likely makes it a more challenging year than last. I still think they have a shot at the Super Bowl this year but I don't expect an easy road.
One thing I am absolutely looking forward to with the schedule release is seeing when all our Stacker rivalry games will occur. There are going to be many great matchups amongst Stackers' teams this year. Hopefully we are all still friends by the end of the season.
Let the games begin (in 3.5 months)!
Sats for all, GR
NFL Survivor this year is going to be bigger than ever! (please ignore the fact that ever consists of one year)
I have been thinking the same thing. It will be fun. I had low expectations of the MLB survivor, but I think that's working well too.
Yeah, I didn't know how the MLB survivor would go. Firstly, I didn't know if there would be enough interest and the idea for the rules was something I found online and tinkered with. Overall it has gone well, we had the same number of participants as the NFL Survivor year 1 (hopefully more this year), the prize pool has gotten up into the 60ks and the pool is still going strong in week 7 and likely at least for a few more weeks, so the rules seemed to have worked well thus far.
Pretty good since you practically invented the concept yourself. Maybe you can copyright it.
Maybe one day we will have a lightning integrated sports pools site to use. If AI gets good enough, I can get it to build it for me. Haha.
Nostr beckons