What if they burn it next time?
That might be the only reason I would keep *some" of it, but everything else you said was psychopathic and asinine.
I accidentally turned my ASIC miner off for a few hours and missed a block. That miner stole it from me. If they were good natured and honest, they would send me that block reward for my mistake. /s
If we could rely on people being good-natured, we wouldn't need bitcoin.
Furthermore, what is to stop me from claiming every txn I made was a mistake? In fiat world, you can clawback almost any payment if you make a big fuss about it. There's an entire industry of scammers who exploit "good natured" people, because fiat allows them to get away with it.
Hey, however you want to justify your disdain for the average human being...
Its not distain for humans. Its ultimate respect for protocols.
If someone disrespect the protocol, they deserve what the protocol decides is their fate.