Dies that resonate with you?
You're bringing some awesome stuff, @Athena
I have just been stalking @Athena bio (i like to know who I am talking to) and I have to agree with you!
Thanks! She's a great teacher of Literature also immensely popular for her works. 😄
I think it's a really nice poem and will resonate for a lot of people and I am all about looking from within. However, the first question I asked after reading this was... Why do we have these expectations there? Where did they come from? Why do we feel the need to do more to feel worthy? If people want to change something about themselves then go for it - but surely regardless as to whether or not they do, they are still worth as much as the person next to them? Why do we not think highly of ourselves for being exactly where we are now? I have been stuck in the pursuit for worthiness, and I am sure I have read this poem before? I have found though, that by allowing myself to feel worthy, just as I am... I am then much more likely to change what I want to - for me.
Thanks forthe reply. I just gave this poem to one of my students while teaching in the college. They liked it so much and here I saw your post for the same topic. I just thought of sharing it with you.
Your post is amazing! If I had your post that day, I would have definitely reference sourced it.
Jeep up the good work dear. I like your writings.
You are more than welcome to use it whenever and however you like :)
I hope your student is doing well and I am really glad that the poem helped and I look forward to talking to you more on here :)
Sure, I hold the same view. Today, I've also met another literature girl on SN, wo we are now troika of literature girls. We can now form a fed, if you like. We hold much similar views.
I am intrigued on what this fed would look like?
Nice poem.