Power washing. Buy a machine for $200 or rent one for $30 a day. Post ads on local classifieds. Charge $100 an hour for the satisfying feeling of watching concrete clean up like new.
If you're looking to stack sats, offer them a 25% discount if they pay with BTC. Not everyone will take that offer, but they will at least ask you why.
"Why accept Bitcoin" brochure for small businesses and customers: https://twitter.com/linkinparkrulz_/status/1543348394181148672
This guy. "Just provide productive capacity to the economy and charge money for it". Yeah you're not wrong. Enter stage: The Era of Bitcoin Businesses
Most Bitcoiners are young men (based on conference attendance) and power washing is a great business for young men. Low barrier to entry and easy to scale with minimal regulation. It's hyper local which is perfect for growing a grassroots circular economy.
Mowing lawns as well. Yeah, and you know if you have a business that needs a little money, you can register as a corporation, pitch it to Bitcoiners to buy shares in your company and build something special together.