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The Art of Problem Solving
  1. Write down what you want to make it happen
  2. Break it down into small stepsĀ for execution
  3. Go through all the options in your head or write them down to see each option would lead to what, and choose theĀ ones you think make the most sense
  4. Keep testing and improving
For simple problems, just do from 3-4; and what's your problem solving hack? šŸ¤“
avoiding problems is a bad practice, they wont go away themselves:p
This principle can also be applied to the writing process, I guess!
or a better way - solve your problem first, then write down what you've been through and tried ( I love reading books like this, people used to just learn things from trial and error ).
Then others don't need to waste time doing the same thing again if people are being honest saying what they've tested and what worked / failed - > more time to solve other problems.
Yeah, thatā€™s better, definitely.