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Haven't been to many concerts recently, but in February 2023 I went to a nothing,nowhere concert in Melbourne and man... was that an experience! Super talented guy, and his music has always resonated with me a lot. This particular track is also a great one for workouts IMO. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tILCFoZVeiw&pp=ygUPdGhpcnN0NHZpb2xlbmNl
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Wow!!! Awesome sound!
Hip Hop metal ? :)
That's awesome man! I love those zero expectations gigs they always turn out to be such a great time. These guys sound brilliant!
Oh that was definitely not a "0 expectations gig," I was very familiar with his music beforehand and going to see him was a very intentional decision. Still, he and his band managed to surprise me to the upside :)
Ah I see! Glad they lived up to the hype for you, that musta been a wicked time for you. I always love it when bands come out and perform really well for their fans, I've been to a couple gigs where the band seemed to just not care and it can be so disappointing.