Anyone notice today since ZBD got involved with sarutobi the amount of sats being collected has dramatically decreased regarding rng and I basically can't be paid out? It constantly says the coin is not there. Shame. Sarutobi used to be a good game.
I heard from another dev in the space (won't name who because it's not my place to) that Sarutobi was operating at a loss by paying out bigger rewards in order to grow. The rewards were always going to decrease eventually.
It might be because ad revenue dropped like a rock in the last 6 months
The withdrawal issues shouldn't happen so that's a fair assessment if you are not able to get it resolved simply. But as far as them decreasing the amount it pays, that's simply market forces at work. MD made no promises. Sarutobi doesn't have future earning guarantees. If giving away sats via Play-to-earn was such a profitable endeavor, there would be hundreds of Sarutobis for you to choose from.