I have thought about this a lot, but I haven't done it. In my experience most have phones. I guess just offering a donation via LN? The problem in the US is that the feds have scared off the easy onboarding custodial wallets.
You seem to do alot of donation already.
I try to do what I can, but now it's mainly Geyser.
Geyser? What is this?
Haha! He wants to know everything. I like it, I think he my best ever orange piling.
Oh, thanks. Now I know it.
coinos.io is still very very easy.
perhaps for a friendly local homeless man it is possible to give him simple tasks like yard work and moving stuff, and pay him in food and sats (tips) on stacker.news or coinos.io or LNbits instance.
people with zero savings can only get sats via a donation, games, or earn them.