• All orders are escrowed until the seller marks the order as shipped. The seller immediately gets access to the funds at that point. The buyer can rate order at any time after escrow closes. You should only buy from sellers with a high seller rating to minimize the risk that they scam you.
  • Sellers need a lightning wallet to receive withdrawals. Buyers need a lightning wallet to pay for orders, and to receive withdrawals when they get a refunded order.
  • Sellers and buyers don't need to run a full bitcoin node, they can use a custodial lightning wallet.
Perfect. :) Shared in Twitter and Matrix.
Is it really an escrow if the seller can simply click a button to receive payment?
Not really. It's just to make sure that the seller agrees to ship the selected quantity of items to the provided address.
Once the seller has marked the order as shipped, they are staking their reputation on the buyer rating.
So it really comes down to a reputation system.