News Of The Week

Welcome to this week’s issue of the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
For the first time that I can remember, one of @cleophas’ book chapters made top post of the week. The Final Product in general has become a very popular book among stackers. It’s good to see fiction gaining some traction in this territory. If you haven’t done so already, start reading The Final Product.
Another one of our fiction writers, @jbschirtzinger, posted to remind us that his book, The Rogue Scholar, which was published here, has now been released in commercial form, with additional edits and art work. Check his post for more information.
While we’re on the subject, Stephanie Harrison chose our territory to tell us about her new book, New Happy. Her post contains information about how you can pre order your copy.
I hope everyone has a good week.

Top Five Posts Of The Week

The top post of the week will be forwarded 50% of the zaps earned on this week’s newsletter post. Rankings will be determined using the SN zaprank.
Here are this week’s top posts:

Siggy’s Suggestions

I had never heard of William Walker Atkinson or the New Thought Movement. This post introduced me to his work. That’s one of the things I like best about preparing this newsletter each week. I am exposed to stuff I would never discover on my own.
I make a point out of reading every poem that StillStackin posts in this territory. He knows a hell of a lot more about poetry than I do, which is admittedly not a high bar, but I like his taste. This one is no exception. I even learned a new word- cinquefoil.
This week’s Golden Oldie:
For this week’s Golden Oldie I went back and read the first entry @cryotosensei made in this territory of his Fighting The Daily Grind blog. Like most of you, I’m sure, I now feel like I know all about his life and career, so it surprised me that it has only been a few months since we first were invited into his world. Enjoy, and maybe use his post as inspiration for starting your own blog.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews



Short Stories

Congratulations everyone!
You're right. @cleophas' chapter have become an essential read for many Stackers including me. I read them for suspense actually.
@Athena is definitely posting some serious stuff. I liked 150 years from now very much.
Thank you for mentioning me. I didn't expect this much of love for my so unclear words.
Great stuff this week (as always).
Learning new vocab's one of my favorite side effects of reading poetry. :-)
Congratulations to all
I really enjoyed the articles this week. Kudos to the writers!
@cryotosensei two times in the list, congrats man :D