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I spent some formative time in the 90s living in San Fran, hanging out in North Beach, going to coffee and readings at City Lights Books.
I have visited a few times over the years. I know the city is supposedly a disaster now, but it was a special place in the mid to late 20th century. I drove north through Washington to Vancouver, Canada in the 1980s. The cascades are beautiful.
Cascades are fantastic! Spiritual in every sense. I have slept on Lassen and Shasta.
That is incredible.
And the City currently breaks my heart, but she'll be back. She was pretty horrid in the late 80s, early 90s before dotcom and biomedical times.
I don’t hear much positive news coming out yet. Have to hope.
City transformations take 12 years or so, although tech is speeding everything up.
And take a change of political direction to last that long I guess. I really hope things improve.
change of political direction in SF is a pipedream
keep smoking that pipe
not if the homeless population continues to grow
🤣 Show me a city where homelessness is not growing.
San Fran is third world and isn't coming back