I really like your ideas here, especially the v4v point. One thing- let's wait for next week to start. You can announce it whenever you want, but I think I should announce I am stopping my other contest first. They both finish on Fridays, and I would rather everyone focus on yours. I will promote it more in Friday's newsletter when I announce cancellation of the old contest.
Awesome. I'll refine the text along with the above points, which enables you to use it as a smooth introduction when announcing the transition from the current top-post contest to the Bitcoin-centered writing contest in the upcoming Friday's newsletter.
Really nothing you'd want to see added or changed?
Also: are you going to transition the current top-post reward(s) (5k) onto the writing contest as well, or are you going to stay at the 2.5k?
Either way is fine by me, but if you're going to up it, I'd up my part towards the rewards as well. 🤠
I think you covered everything well. What's your sense on the rewards? Certainly I'll toss in 2.5k like now, but if you want me to boost it and you intend to match it, that would be a 10k per week contest. Pretty good motivation, I guess.
Well, as stated in the post, I'd like to initially issue a 5k reward, and depending on the interest, I'd use the zaps received on both Monday's and Friday's post to gradually increase said reward.
  • We'd have to make the latter clear, though: Zaps = higher (future) rewards; they can influence the rewards with their âš¡.
Makes sense. You make the post, then I'll reinforce it in the newsletter. Then I can contribute more in the future too. I like your idea of reward based on zaps to at least some extent.
Awesome, 'till Friday, partner!