I'm thinking a bit about moving myself to Salvador, Argentina or recently Suriname to live on Bitcoin standard.
Please convince me, that Argentina is the best choice now :)
this territory is moderated
What a pleasant request :)
As for living the Bitcoin standard, you will find similar levels of integration. Salvador made BTC legal tender but that only means that the state accepts bitcoin as payment. The apps we have here in Argentina are excellent and make using BTC a breeze, but making BTC legal tender is on the roadmap. In practice you will not see any difference, so we can consider "living by the BTC standard" a tie. One thing we have a great reputation of is about Bitcoiner communities, the best of latin-america, as of yet unrivalled.
Your decision will also leverage on other aspects, for which I might list: Woman: beautiful, intelligent, fit, with attitude ... god they drive me crazy... Food: asado. I can not live without it. Social life: warm people, lots of hugs, lots of "please come" if they like you, and they mean it Beautiful cities: you will probably love Buenos Aires, but a lot of people also loves the simple villages, having nature so close. Nature: stark advantage of Argentina, the extension is vast and is place of magnificent scenarios. The south, the north of Argentina, and Los Andes, google it. It's like in the picture.
To top it up: we have the only Libertarian government on earth, so the best is yet to come ;)
Good list
Thank you :)