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wow, I already found her interesting!
The ultimate message my work conveys is that English, as the leading software of the Western mind, is filled with cultural biases akin to computer viruses that undermine our thinking and reasoning power
our body is being programmed by genetics ( it still amazes me how a baby is born; it's like you really don't need to do much - it's already being set naturally, and all you need is do less stupid things. )
your thoughts is being programmed by language and culture, what else 🙊
heard an interesting theory, that all information is contained in water, and the dna sequencies function as keys to unlock it
what if all the history ( everything that happend ) is being recorded, just we, the living human beings can't access it?
idk maybe the word is experienced instead of recorded
experienced is being recorded at the same time? 👀
i guess you know "The Egg" theory?
watched the videos you shared before; it kinda makes sense in a way, but what's ALL the human experience for, and who decides when it's enough?
then besides figuring out how to have a life well lived, next question is how to escape reincarnation? I have the book The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, one of my favorite books from Huxley, but I haven't finished it yet.
do things you love, being around people you love
This is the most important thing!
Life is weird !!