Can I just say.... I am not really a fan of these cowboy hats.... I don't understand what they are for, why one "finds" one or how the wind blows them away...
I am trying to best to simply ignore them - as they seem to be a perverse method to entice us to post or otherwise engage with the site on a more regular least for me it kind of does the make me want to not post or engage regularly, as I don't want to be manipulated into feeling I have to do something, or I have to come back to the site and post???
I like to think that the intent was not to manipulate us? Maybe I am missing something? Guess I probably should read up on the purpose behind the hat?
Anyway - them's my beans :)
I am trying to best to simply ignore them
You can completely opt-out of the cowboy hat in your settings:
I like to think that the intent was not to manipulate us?
I think the intent was to have something to show off your consistency of contributing to the site and to have some secret fun (think inside joke)
I think it started as a gimmick to manipulate stackers, aka make them stick ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
42 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 21 May
let's call it a social experiment in how easy it is to influence people
and the way to win is NOT to play ๐Ÿงช
It's a tit-for-tat game ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ”ฌ
I think the real signal is
  • stacking since
  • the quality of posts or comments
  • engaging level
The hat is useless other than saying how long you haven't gone offline a full day.
I am trying to best to simply ignore them
then you will unlock the real adventure of being in SN! no hat / no titles, pure POW and fun.
You can view it as manipulative, which it is, or you can view it as a signal that you contribute to the site.
Some people use the cowboy hats as a quick indicator of whether a post is likely to be spammy or not. Once you develop a reputation, you don't need it, but while your name is unfamiliar, it might help you attract readers.
They also tend to pay for themselves, with how the rewards system works, so you're really just shooting yourself in the foot by not having one.
you're really just shooting yourself in the foot by not having one.
is it ๐Ÿ‘€ I bet nothing would change if @Undisciplined hide / take off the hat now, good number btw 88718:)
Totally fair, I should have said "by not earning one".
Actually showing it off wouldn't make much impact for me and I'm sure it doesn't for you either.