I'm not sure. I zap authentically for example a science post that I like and I know it is not going to be popular and I am not rewarded but it is ok. Curating is rewarded for popular topics like something about bitcoin for example. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe the whole system is flawed.
~science is still in its infancy, but long term you're helping to identify good science posts and that will help new stackers interested in science build trust with you, once they find their way here.
In turn, that will increase your global trust and there will be more science posts, more science readers, and more rewards for you.
You're laying the groundwork, now, for a better SN tomorrow.
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @quark 22 May
Yes I would like it to be so. But I don't know a way to check the trust score. Maybe by zapping content that others don't zap, the trust actually decreased. And it is not that the content is bad or spam, it is just that the content may not be for the majority. So in that sense, curation is not well rewarded.