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We are familiar with this social phenomenon from the core states of the eurozone: an ever-growing welfare state, the large tax-funded front organization of the social democratic socialist parties, incapacitates its citizens, offers them a life without work and productive contribution and in this way drives the economic productivity and thus the level of civilization of the affected states into the basement.
Since the United States, once the haven of free markets under personal responsibility, has fallen into the trap of the so-called social democrats, the working population has also suffered under the attack of the communists. More and more men are throwing in the towel and relying on the welfare state to somehow muddle through from A to B, from birth to death, in a life of eternal dependency. The postmodern welfare state is the beacon of the decadence of our epoch, it has been the attack on the basis of society, the family structures that give individuals their last support and self-confidence. In the end, its bureaucracy will suffocate under its own weight.
During covid in the UK they closed many workplaces and gave people ‘furlough’ money. Got everyone used to being dependent on the state. And essentially being paid to listen to the covid propaganda. Good psyop…..
In America, the trend started before Covid. It's not fully explained, but it does seem to be about welfare benefits.
what Otto von Bismarck introduced in his time in the German Reich to stabilize and reassure the working class, the first accident insurance carried by the state, was quickly recognized by the socialists as a vector of attack against bourgeois society. it is the great advance organization of the socialists to make more and more of the population dependent on themselves, but in this way to legalize a transfer of power. All the folklore, all the narratives that today present the welfare state as something sacrosanct, I already know that it is the root of evil, with regard to the decline of the family as the great security structure, with regard to the free entrepreneurs, the self-employed, etc., who were the flywheel of the economy.
If not for Hitler, I feel like Bismark would be the subject of much more scrutiny.
yes, but you must not forget that Bismarck was the one who correctly assessed the balance of power in the Europe of his time and was also very good at balancing the German monarchy, which had gone partly mad. he was a man of balance
this is the perversion of a free society, total corruption permeating everything flowing with printed money, with the majority too stupid to understand what was being played.
I'm not as worried about what the consequences of socialism are as of how it gets to power. We all now that it's terrible in every single possible aspect, killing work ethics being just one of many... but how it gets there, that's the true problem we have to focus on
It always has the same four attack vectors: first, the destruction of the family, second, the centralization of the economy, third, the overlay of media propaganda, and fourth, the penetration and vulgarization of culture.
I understand but my question is: where is people weak for those strategies to work? (I have my answers but want to hear yours)
Oh my god, to answer this question we should actually start a podcast series. I once read a book by Igor Shafarewitsch called 'The Death Instinct in History'. This deals with socialism in its history and in its forms. In my opinion, it appears as a kind of power vehicle for a small caste that successfully uses narrative and time-related media. He works specifically with the resentments of the lower classes and brings them into effect precisely in the breaking points of bourgeois society and classes.
I have much more. Much, much worse. Will be sharing in SN later
Yes, please. Let me know about it
Will do Sr
You should see the thought process at where I work. The lazy people take naps...and the hard working people just get more work. Everyone gets paid moderately the same.
I dare say that the Statists see an efficiency here: it’s cheaper to provide welfare than to imprison a ‘citizen’.