Introducing Manuel and Adrian, two brothers who run the popular Kawamba Bar in El Puertillo, now accepting Bitcoin via @OPAGO_PAY. Known for its delicious burgers, Kawamba Bar is a favorite among both locals and tourists. El Puertillo is famed for its beautiful natural sea pools, called Los Charcones, making it an ideal destination for a refreshing swim followed by a satisfying meal at Kawamba.
๐Ÿ“ Paseo Miramar 102, 35414 El Puertillo, Gran Canaria, Spain
As long-time Bitcoin enthusiasts, the owners have decided to incorporate the digital currency into their business, showcasing their commitment to innovation and customer convenience.
Thanks Darth!
Great to see more places where we can go to have a good food and pay with BTC.
Just wandering if you know what's the plan for the BTC received? Are they planning to hodl or do they want to avoid the "volatility" and exchange it for EUR?
Currently, most of our merchants hold Bitcoin within their businesses. However, we also have some potential customers, such as a gas station, that would like to accept Bitcoin but prefer to have Euros in their cash registers.
We are implementing Euro off-ramping in the coming weeks, allowing merchants to decide whether they want to receive Bitcoin or Euros. Although we generally find it unfortunate when Bitcoin is converted back to Fiat, we understand that it makes sense for certain businesses.
Slow and steady... but gaining ground