When entering a court building, almost everyone employed at this place of business will be trained to deceive you into agreeing with, or entering you into, a contract that you will know nothing about.
The “contract” is within the jurisdiction of the court.
Note: a court is not the same as a courtroom. A court is held by a natural living person making a claim, a courtroom is just a room where it is held.
Only this court has a boat, “docked”? This one is in Florida, so if I check well funded states like California, Texas, New York would I find this as well?? It's worth checking into. Makes me wonder why would they leave such a big clue like that out in the open.
I think I'm missing something, because even US territory born still possess full-blown citizenship. They can't "vote" but are 100% subject to all the US taxes. It wouldn't make sense if one isn't corporated into the system, as the island was forced to bend the knee. I do, however, think it weird if I work at McDonald's I'll have to pay social Security and medicare (which is stupid). If one lives in the US are they paying for more than those two items?