1st of all, it's okay, we're all very early and we're all learning - nobody knows "everything" about Bitcoin 2nd - perhaps it's me who's dumb here - I don't understand your question. BTCPayServer helps you accept Bitcoin as a medium of exchange in a non-custodial way. If you're going to run a business (be it property management or anything else), then the rest of the job is... running the business. What exactly is it that you want to integrate/build on top of BTCPayServer?
I'd like to test out this approach, either offering only short term contract I believe it could be interesting.
I think what @thecommoner mean, is that he would like a sort of plugin to do the calculations for him. For example (as s/he mention on #542701 ):
  • if a resident pay $500 monthly rent when BTC price is 60k
  • if, at the end of the month, the price jump 50% to 120k,
  • then the resident get back 50% share of any price appreciation for the sats they paid1, that could be used to to pay se next mont rent or just as a contract exit bonus
The variables to manage will be then:
  • length of recurring contract (weeks,months,years)
  • number of recursions
  • % giveback share in sats based on price appreciation
This is just an example of what I understood, maybe I'm wrong on some detail.
You got it.... I think :) It sounds easier - the way you explained it...
The difficult part...I think - is going to be how to assure the "resident or customer" that the "landlord or business" has the ability to return "whatever the % share of the appreciation?"