An Uber driver tried to scam me today! After all these years of living in Turkey or using it in general, this is really the first time.
After I got in the car about one minute, I looked at the meter and saw it was already 175TL? I thought it was from the last passenger, so I reminded the driver the meter was not reset, sometimes it is like this, but then he started to bullshit me and said he would give me a discount later or something and he kept driving, and I didn't have a good feeling about it, who knows what's gonna happen, so I asked him to stop, and he was still acting innocent and wanted to negotiate the price, ugh why are you making things so complicated and unpleasant; I quickly opened the door and left, damn, imagine if he took my phone or locked the car door, that would be really's really bad if all ppl think is how to scam others under inflation.
After this unpleasant drive, I then also learned an unpleasant new law in Turkey, which could be a massive pilling opportunity 👀 stay tuned for tomorrow.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 24 May
Isn't the price already locked in before you get into the car? At least that's my Uber experience.
Fun fact: Uber is only calling for taxis in Turkey btw, and yes, the price is there for reference, so you are getting a taxi here then the taxi driver runs the meter on top of Uber's booking fee. 😂