I didn't really care about it before, but now I have the peace of not even being aware of it.
Use the extra energy and time to work on the harder problems when most ppl still asleep 👀
now I am reading and doing research on how people traded things with each other during the silk road time, I sense it would come back again:)
That sounds very interesting. I hope it turns into an insightful post for us to enjoy.
lazy stacker spotted 👀
the more I learned about silk road, the more I realized that, all those years of my traveling but was only hit the superficial layer...what was I even thinking!
and then everything is linked, how the empires worked and influenced the trades, then how the modern gov formed and controlling the trades with fiat money, Bitcoin enable ppl freely trade with each other again... learning from the past can better predict the future:)
cc wise @anon to chip in.