Imo it should all be about growing organically, which is hard to do. Perhaps less Bitcoin but more diverse topics etc.
Otherwise it can become the same topic over and over again.
make sense, organic growth also need water, and if the water is not retained, all the effort to water it are vane or slightly significant.
I agree in your point oof diversifying the topic, but looking at the territory cemetery look's like many non-bitcoin related topic have really short life around here.
I have to agree.
Tbf It's not like we can't have a Bitcoin specific forum as well, I commonly go to dpreview for photography discussion. And we also have bitcointalk which I still got every once awhile.
Perhaps a better user profile or a more traditional layout would work better?
I've been mentioning this territories issue too... #548398
Great initiative!
I personally think while having to spend SATs to post/comments are great way to filter out spam/low effort, it also deter casual commenting.
I also think the layout stacker news currently have don't quite make it easy for users to see posts from other territories