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I made a similar post but talking about movies that everyone seems to love but you don't, in this case, I want to ask what is the video game that everyone seems to love but that you don't like at all or you don't see anything special in it? In my case I'll stick with Minecraft, I've never really liked this game since I discovered it in 2013, and almost everyone seems to like it or has played it a lot at some point in their life.
NBA 2K series. Most sports game fans loves these games but I never liked the shot control so had a hard time getting into them.
I haven’t played the series since it was called NBA Live, but I really liked those.
The elements I most enjoyed, and this also goes for Madden, are the franchise management ones. The gameplay is fine, but not great.
That's a different series. NBA Live was great. I don't like the 2K series. It's a different game maker.
That's funny. I just assumed they changed the name, because it's still EA Sports.
It's not EA. It's 2K sports.
I understand you, I never liked them either, in fact neither did the other NBA game, which right now I don't remember what it's called.
Current one is NBA 2K24
yes, that's one of the two I'm talking about, I mean there's another NBA game that I like even less than this one, I think it's from Electronic Arts.
I don't like Fortnite either
Neither do I
Minecraft could be my answer, too, but I’d rather pick the war propaganda genre.
I viscerally dislike Call of Duty and wish I could opt out of seeing ads for it.
Call of Duty lost all its essence when they decided to release 1 game each year without putting any type of quality or innovation into its development, but it still has a huge number of fans.
I think I'm too old to get Minecraft and Roblox.
Like I said, Minecraft is not for me neither
Red Dead Redemption 2
On paper I should love this game. Fairly realistic open world, a western, what is largely agreed to be a good story, and lots of side stories to do. However, I really don't like it! The initial story section before getting to the open world was a slog, and I wasn't drawn to any of the characters. Then when the world opened up I still wasn't impressed. I can't really put my finger on why, but I just didn't want to play it for much longer.
How far did you get in history? I completed it and loved the game.
I don't remember at this point, it's been a couple of years. I think I had about 10-12 hours in though.
I understand, for me, the game starts to get really exciting after 20-25 hours of play.
Unfortunately in my case I have fairly limited free time, so if a game doesn't grab me in the amount of time I spent, I drop it. Maybe someday I'll give it another shot. many other games that I like that I can spend my hour or so a day on!
The Last of Us - I tried it but couldn't get into it, don't know why.
Have you completed it or just played it a bit?
Only put in an hour or two. I know it probably gets good later. 😄
That's the point haha
Quite a few.
WOW - I just knew the MMORPG model would mess up the plot.
Witcher 3 - honestly I want to like the game, but an hour in, everywhere is a quest point and got overwhelmed
RDR2 - incredible graphics but I just couldn't immerse in it somehow.
Zelda botw - I loved it for the first few hours but it felt too much like a tech demo, plot is non existent and the performance doesn't help.
Huh. What system did you play BotW on and when?
I actually got the switch for Zelda. I am used to PC gaming, so any drop can look obvious.
The game is too ambitious for switch hardware, flame for example can tank FPS
I see, thanks.
oh baseball video games, they've always seemed terrible to me and oh my cousins ​​loved them.
I was always more into FIFA, NBA, GT, Final fantasy, etc.
The Witcher series as a whole. I tried all three, putting at least 5-6 hours into each and just couldn't stick with it.
I love the witcher, especially the witcher 3, what don't you like?
Mostly the combat mechanics. And to be fair I am not a big fan of fantasy settings either.
Why don't you like Fallout?
Not sure exactly. I've tried to get into it a few times and always lose interest pretty quickly.
Dark Souls
What's you don't like about Dark Souls?
I just thought it was boring.
Honestly, most video games. Not because I dislike them per se, but because they're not free. I won't play games that aren't free-as-in-freedom.
there are plenty of good free ones: Minetest, 0A.D., Mindustry, OpenTTD, ShatteredPixelDungeon to name a few. And I've just recently discovered this funny one: https://nationstates.net
Is Nation States free as in freedom?
sorry no. I saw it on F-Droid but that's just the companion app to receive notifications
Actually, it looks like "Stately" is a full client.
That's too bad. It looks like an interesting game.
Oh yeah, I know all the games you're talking about and I like them (except for OpenTTD, which I still haven't got the hang of). I'm just saying that when most people say "Oh, I love this new game X," my internal reaction is always "well, there's another game I won't play, 'cause it's probably not free."
You mean you have to pay to play them?