When youth unemployment gets high enough conscription or some dig hole fill hole work program always comes around to save the day, give those with nothing constructive to do, something to do
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 26 May
Ooh lala. abc me think it was bbc.
The UK had a national service, where men between the ages 17 and 21 were required to serve in the military for 18 months, from 1947 to 1960.
.. in times of sovereign nationhood. First principles should inform every person between 17-21 that we defend out borders, but we don't engage in waging wars abroad. We mind our own business. Today, red team and blue team have no principles.
It seems to be a bit of a trend since even in my country, Italy, a party in the governing majority has proposed the introduction of 6-month conscription for over-age youth.
Considering that it was abolished in 2005 and that the barracks are either disused or have other functions, I wonder how much it would cost-assuming it passes in parliament.
But in campaigning, politicians usually say many things in order to attract attention.
Does seem to be a popular option when right-wing types if i’m honest.. is that the case there?
Sadly, this is the case.
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In fact, my country has a professional army, well-trained to deal with various situations. The military service of young people I don't find it a great idea; it should be a life choice that you make voluntarily.
Agreed - they were excellent (I am just jealous about them being super stylish compared to me). I really rate their professionalism.
Does he expect to win?
On second thoughts maybe the majority of voting boomers don’t mind sending their grandchildren to war
Translation: hey old voters, let's temporarily enslave the young! There are more of us so we can outvote them, mwahahaHAHA!
This is the reality in Austria btw.
depopulation agenda.
whatever the jab didn't kill.
the real war is waged against the people
I dont think this is bad. They will probably be conscripted to do some public works. They wont actually go into a war. Helps build character.
Oh no, we totally by accident started a war with Russia... Luckily we happen to have all these new trained recruits we can draft.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 26 May
Not saying there's anything particularly wrong. Other than, I imagine if I was in the age group, had just fallen in love and 'had plans' to move in together and start a family, had plans to follow some kind of career path, or just had plans to read some classic literature, or do nothing and be happy. I might not appreciate it.
It's not that there's anything so wrong in what might become a positive, if taken as an opportunity to embetter, it's just the fact that it doesn't seem to fix much.
We, as a nation, could
  1. Stop pretending that we are not now acting as aggressors, seek to restore ties through negotiation. It's not weak to negotiate, no matter what the media may tell you.
  2. Start looking at actual ways of making the country better again, which just involves shifting of funding from ridiculous boondoggle investment to basic stuff that services locality whilst providing employment.
If governments want to act like aggressors despite the lack of public sentiment, they can get big tech to fly drones at their targets, that way, we know who is complicit in waging war, and that includes, government, corporations and shareholders.
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