Thank you for your time @thecommoner
Before diving further in your bussiness model, just an important clarification: the deflationary economy that will ensue once bitcoin becomes the monetary base layer do not means, in any way, that prices will fall to marginal costs of production. That's not how deflation works. That's actually the exact opposite of how deflation works. Even more, it's solely under the fiat system, and in it's inflationary context, that (in proportion, not in bare numbers) prices tend to increasingly fall towards the marginal costs of production.
You are most welcome @didiplaywell
You are likely correct in that Bitcoin's adoption as the monetary base layer does not mean that prices will fall to their marginal cost of production...Prices always fall to their marginal cost of production +/- a monetary premium dependent on the scarcity and utility of the product....these prices get distorted by the current FIAT system and thus cause all manner of disruptions throughout the markets....
I believe Bitcoin goes even deeper into civilizations systems and will overwrite many of our current systems (over time). Our systems of governance and knowledge...literally everything that is touched by "money" or "communicated value" will be overwritten by this new base layer.
I like your enthusiasm. I personally think we are already there in some degree, but bitcoin will allow for a more robust and extensive development of such principles.